PERLA No. 40, 2022


Larvae of the SE USA: Mayfly, Stonefly, and Caddisfly Species
Morse, McCafferty, Stark, & Jacobus
R. Edward DeWalt, Author,
Illinois Natural History Survey
Michael D. Maehr, Author,
Illinois Natural History Survey
Heidi Hopkins, Author,
Ithaca College, New York, USA
U. Neu-Becker, Author,
Max-Planck Institute
G. Stueber, Author,
Max-Planck Institute
David C. Eades, Principal Database Developer,
Illinois Natural History Survey
Major Contributors:
Joel Hallan, Texas A&M University
Peter Zwick, Max-Planck Institute
To cite Plecoptera Species File, see reference string at bottom of page.
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Some data presented herein are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant DEB 09–18805 ARRA. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The Plecoptera Species File website includes valid names, their synonyms, bibliographic data, specimen data, images, sounds, and distributions for stoneflies of the world.
Notice that now there are 17 families with the addition of Kathroperlidae Banks, 1947.
Authors of research involving stoneflies are encouraged to provide pdfs or full references of their papers to the authors. We also accept images and sounds, attribution and metadata included, for posting on the website.
To see information contained in the database, use the links across the top of the
page. Click on Search to find a specific taxon or other kinds of information. Clicking
on Taxa will make the
order Plecoptera your current taxon unless you have previously moved to a different
taxon in this session.
This website and database use Species File Software. Information about the
design and use of SFS may be found on a separate website.
Other places to start
Please send comments and questions about the database and its development to Ed
DeWalt (send mail). When referencing this website, please use the following
format: DeWalt, R. E., M. D. Maehr, H. Hopkins,
U. Neu-Becker and G. Stueber. 2023. Plecoptera Species File Online. Version
5.0/5.0. [retrieval date]. <http://Plecoptera.SpeciesFile.org>.
Use http://Plecoptera.SpeciesFile.org
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